Market Garden - British - Glider Pilot

Glider Pilot Morale Points Platoons
Compulsory Glider Pilot Squadron HQ (p.45) FV 60
- Sniper
- Urquhart
Compulsory Glider Pilot Platoon (p.45) FV
Compulsory Glider Pilot Platoon (p.45) FV
Glider Pilot Platoon (p.45) FV
Glider Pilot Platoon (p.45) FV
Glider Pilot Platoon (p.45) FV
Parachute Platoon (p.34) FV
Airlanding Platoon (p.39) FV
Airborne Field Platoon, Royal Engineers (p.53) FV
- Supply Vehicle
Parachute Platoon (p.34) FV
Airlanding Platoon (p.39) FV
Airborne Reconnaissance Platoon (p.49) FV
Airlanding Machine-gun Platoon (p.40) FV
Airlanding Mortar Platoon (p.40) FV
Airlanding Anti-tank Platoon (p.41) FV
- Transport
Airlanding Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery (p.54) FV
- Transport
Airlanding Light Battery, Royal Artillery (p.55) FV
- Transport
- Medium Artillery
Air Support (p.141)

British Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Rifle 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG 16”/40cm 2 2 6
SMG 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Light Mortar 16”/40cm 1 1 4+ Smoke, Can fire over friendly teams.
PIAT 8”/20cm 1 10 5+ Tank assault 4.
Staff 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
Sniper 16”/40cm 1 0 4+ Re-roll misses
Additional Training and Equipment
Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 3.
British Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Vickers HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
Firing Bombardments 40”/100cm - - -
ML 3” mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 2 3 Smoke, Minimum range 8”/20cm.
Firing Bombardments 32”/80cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.
Anti-tank Guns
OQF 6 pdr gun (late) Medium 24”/60cm 3 11 4+ Gun shield.
OQF 17 pdr gun (late) Immobile 32”/80cm 2 15 3+ Gun shield, No HE.
M1A1 75mm pack howitzer Light 16”/40cm 2 6 3+ Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 64”/160cm - 3 6 Smoke bombardment.
British Transport Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Jeep Jeep - - -
Recce Jeep Jeep - - - Passenger-fired AA MG
Cut-down 15-cwt truck Wheeled - - -
British Aircraft
Aircraft Weapon To Hit AT Firepower Notes
Typhoon Cannon 3+ 8 5+
Rockets 3+ 6 3+