Earth and Steel - German - StuG

StuG Morale Points Platoons
Compulsory StuG Abteilung HQ (p.33) CV 95
Compulsory StuG Platoon (p.33) CV
Compulsory StuG Platoon (p.33) CV
StuG Platoon (p.33) CV
Veteran Festungs Anti-Aircraft Gun Platoon (p.28) CV
- Transport
- Portee
Fusilier Platoon (p.31) CV
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Fusilier Platoon (p.31) CV
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Festungs Artillery Battery (352 Infanterie) (p.27) CV
Festungs Artillery Battery (726 Infanterie) (p.27) CT
Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery (352 Infanterie) (p.28) CV
Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery (726 Infanterie) (p.28) CT
Luftwaffe Anti-Aircraft Assault Platoon (p.203) RT
- Extra Crew
- Transport
Luftwaffe Anti-Aircraft Gun Platoon (p.204) RT
- Transport

German Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Weapon Range ROF AT Firepower
StuG G Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
German Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Rifle 16”/40cm 1 2 6
MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 2 if pinned down.
SMG 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Staff 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
Additional Training and Equipment
Panzerknacker teams are rated as Tank Assault 5.
German Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Anti-aircraft Guns
2cm FlaK38 gun Light 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable.
3.7cm FlaK43 gun Immobile 24”/60cm 4 6 4+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable.
8.8cm FlaK36 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Gun shield, Heavy anti-aircraft, Turntable.
10cm leFH14/19(t) howitzer (100/17) Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
15cm sFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 80”/200cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.
15.5cm sFH414(f) howitzer Immobile 16”/40cm 1 10 1+ Bunker buster, Gun shield.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 5 2+
German Transport Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Horch Kfz 15 field car Jeep - - -
Opel Blitz 3-ton truck Wheeled - - -
Sd Kfz 7 half-track Half-tracked - - -