Blitzkrieg - British - Rifle (Regular)

Rifle (Regular) Morale Points Platoons
Compulsory Rifle Company HQ (Regular) (p.125) CV 30
- Bagpiper
- Mortars
- Hero (p.117)
Compulsory Rifle Platoon (Regular) (p.125) CV
Compulsory Rifle Platoon (Regular) (p.125) CV
Rifle Platoon (Regular) (p.125) CV
Carrier Platoon (Regular) (p.126) CV
- Boys ATR
Brigade Anti-tank Platoon (Regular) (p.126) CV
- Trucks
A11 Tank Platoon (p.121) CT
A12 Tank Platoon (p.121) CT
- Downgrade to Matilda
Divisional Cavalry Platoon (p.123) CT
Armoured Car Platoon (Regular) (p.129) CV
French Light Tank Platoon (p.143) CT
French FT Tank Platoon (p.167) CT
Divisional Cavalry Carrier Platoon (p.123) CT
Armoured Car Platoon (Regular) (p.129) CV
Scout Car Patrol (Territorial) (p.127) CT
- Boys ATR
French Light Tank Platoon (p.143) CT
Rifle Platoon (Guards) (p.125) CV
Rifle Platoon (Regular) (p.125) CV
Rifle Platoon (Territorial) (p.125) CT
LOC Platoon (p.129) CC
Machine-gun Platoon (Regular) (p.128) CV
- Trucks
Machine-gun Platoon (Territorial) (p.128) CT
- Trucks
French Fusiliers Portes Platoon (p.149) CT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Platoon (Active) (p.161) CT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Platoon (Reserve) (p.161) RT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Platoon (Colonial) (p.161) FT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Machine-gun Platoon (Active) (p.162) CT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Machine-gun Platoon (Reserve) (p.162) RT
French Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Machine-gun Platoon (Colonial) (p.162) FT
Machine-gun Platoon (Regular) (p.128) CV
- Trucks
Machine-gun Platoon (Territorial) (p.128) CT
- Trucks
Motorcycle Platoon (Territorial) (p.127) CT
Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery (Regular) (p.128) CV
- Trucks
Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery (Territorial) (p.128) CT
- Trucks
Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery (Regular) (p.128) CV
- Trucks
Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery (Territorial) (p.128) CT
- Trucks
French 25mm Anti-tank Gun Platoon (Active) (p.164) CT
- Transport
French 25mm Anti-tank Gun Platoon (Colonial) (p.164) FT
- Transport
Field Battery, Royal Artillery (Regular) (p.131) CV
- Transport
- Observer
Field Battery, Royal Artillery (Territorial) (p.131) CT
- Transport
- Observer
Royal Horse Artillery Battery (Regular) (p.131) FV
- Transport
- Observer
French All-terrain Towed 75mm Artillery Battery (p.169) CT
- Turntables
- Transport
Air Support (p.129)

British Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Weapon Range ROF AT Firepower
Light Tanks
OP Light Tank Mk VI B Light Tank 1 1 1 Co-ax MG
Vickers 0.5" MG 16”/40cm 3 3 5+
Light Tank Mk VI B Light Tank 1 1 1 Co-ax MG
Vickers 0.5" MG 16”/40cm 3 3 5+
Infantry Tanks
A11 Matilda Very Slow Tank 6 5 1 MG, Unreliable.
A11 Matilda (0.5" MG) Very Slow Tank 6 5 1 Unreliable.
Vickers 0.5" MG 16”/40cm 3 3 5+
A12 Matilda Senior Slow Tank 7 6 2 Co-ax MG, Unreliable.
OQF 2 pdr gun 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ No HE.
Bren Carrier Half-tracked 0 0 0 Hull MG
With Boys anti-tank rifle 16”/40cm 2 4 5+ Hull mounted
Scout Carrier Half-tracked 0 0 0 Hull MG
With Boys anti-tank rifle 16”/40cm 2 4 5+ Hull mounted
Morris CS9 Wheeled 0 0 0 Turret Front MG
With Boys anti-tank rifle 16”/40cm 2 4 5+ Hull mounted
Daimler Dingo Jeep 1 0 0 AA MG, Recce.
With Boys anti-tank rifle 16”/40cm 2 4 5+ Hull mounted
Motorcycle MG Jeep - - - Dismount as MG team.
MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 Hull mounted, Vehicle MG.
Motorcycle Light Mortar Jeep - - - Dismount as Light Mortar team.
Light mortar 16”/40cm 1 1 4+ Hull mounted, Awkward layout, Smoke,Can fire over friendly troops.
Motorcycle Anti-tank Rifle Jeep - - - Dismount as Anti-tank Rifle team.
British anti-tank rifle 16”/40cm 1 4 5+ Hull mounted, Awkward layout.
British Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Rifle 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG 16”/40cm 2 2 6
Light Mortar 16”/40cm 1 1 4+ Smoke, Can fire over friendly teams.
Anti-tank Rifle 16”/40cm 1 4 5+ Tank assault 3.
Staff 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
British Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Vickers HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
Firing Bombardments 40”/100cm - - -
ML 3” mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 2 3 Smoke, Minimum range 8”/20cm.
Firing Bombardments 32”/80cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.
Anti-tank Guns
Hotchkiss 25mm gun Light 16”/40cm 3 6 5+ Gun shield, No HE
OQF 2 pdr gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ Gun shield, No HE, Turntable.
OQF 18 pdr gun Heavy 24”/60cm 2 8 3+ Gun shield, Smoke, Turntable.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 3 6+ Smoke bombardment.
OQF 18/25 pdr gun Heavy 24”/60cm 2 8 3+ Gun shield, Smoke, Turntable.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 5+ Smoke bombardment.
British Transport Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
CMP 15-cwt truck Wheeled - - -
Quad tractor Wheeled - - -
Armoured Carriers
OP Carrier Half-tracked 0 0 0
British Aircraft
Aircraft Weapon To Hit AT Firepower Notes
Hurricane I - - - - Fighter Interception only
French Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Weapon Range ROF AT Firepower
Cavalry Tanks
Hotchkiss H-35 or H-39 (short gun) Standard Tank 3 3 1 Co-ax MG
37mm SA-18 gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+ One-man turret
Hotchkiss H-35 or H-39 (long gun) Standard Tank 3 3 1 Co-ax MG
37mm SA-38 gun 24”/60cm 2 5 4+ One-man turret
Combat Tanks
Renault FT-31 Very Slow Tank 1 1 1 MG, Unreliable
Renault FT-18 Very Slow Tank 1 1 1 Unreliable
37mm SA-18 gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+ One-man turret
Renault R-35 Slow Tank 3 3 1 Co-ax MG
37mm SA-18 gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+ One-man turret
French Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Rifle 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG 16”/40cm 2 2 6
MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down.
VB 8”/20cm 2 1 4+ Can fire over friendly teams.
Staff 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
French Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
8mm mle 14 HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
25mm SA-34 gun Light 16”/40cm 3 6 4+ Gun shield, No HE
75mm mle 1897 gun Heavy 24”/60cm 2 8 3+ Gun shield, Quick fire, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 64”/160cm - 3 6 Smoke bombardment.
French Transport Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Gnome-Rhone or Rene Gillett motorcycle and sidecar Jeep - - -
Laffly S20TL truck Wheeled - - - Two optional passenger-fired AA MG
Horse-drawn limber Wagon - - -
Supply Carriers
Renault UE Half-tracked 0 0 1 Supply carriers