Atlantik Wall - German - Omaha Festungskompaniie

Omaha Festungskompaniie Morale Points Platoons
Compulsory Festungkompanie (Normandy) HQ (352 Infanterie) (p.27) CV 45
- CinC Upgrade
- 2iC Upgrade
- Panzerschreck
Compulsory Festungkompanie (Normandy) HQ (716 Infanterie) (p.27) CT 35
- CinC Upgrade
- 2iC Upgrade
Compulsory Omaha Wiederstandnest (352 Infanterie) (p.28) CV
- Compulsory Mortar Section
- Tobruk Section
- MG Section
- MG Section
- Turret Section
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Compulsory Omaha Wiederstandnest (716 Infanterie) (p.28) CT
- Compulsory Mortar Section
- Tobruk Section
- MG Section
- MG Section
- Turret Section
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Compulsory Omaha Wiederstandnest (352 Infanterie) (p.28) CV
- Compulsory Mortar Section
- Tobruk Section
- MG Section
- MG Section
- Turret Section
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Compulsory Omaha Wiederstandnest (716 Infanterie) (p.28) CT
- Compulsory Mortar Section
- Tobruk Section
- MG Section
- MG Section
- Turret Section
- Command Upgrade
- Goliath
Static Rocket Launcher Battery (p.30)
Static Rocket Launcher Battery (p.30)
Normandy Minefield (p.31)
Normandy Barbed Wire (p.31)
Normandy Anti-tank Obstacle (p.31)
StuG Platoon (p.39) CV
352 Tank-hunter Platoon (p.41) CV
Fusilier Platoon (352 Infanterie) (p.34) CV
- Command Upgrade
Fusilier Machine-gun Platoon (352 Infanterie) (p.35) CV
- Command Upgrade
Ost Grenadier Platoon (p.37) RT
Fusilier Platoon (352 Infanterie) (p.34) CV
- Command Upgrade
Ost Grenadier Platoon (p.37) RT
352 Festungs Artillery Battery (p.42) CV
716 Festungs Artillery Battery (p.43) CT
352 Festungs Artillery Battery (p.42) CV
716 Festungs Artillery Battery (p.43) CT
352 Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery (p.42) CV
Luftwaffe Anti-Aircraft Assault Platoon (p.229) RT
- Extra Crew
- Transport

German Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Weapon Range ROF AT Firepower
StuG G Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schurzen
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
Marder I Slow Tank 0 0 0 AA MG, Overloaded, Unreliable.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
Marder III M Standard Tank 1 0 0 AA MG.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
German Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Rifle 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG 16”/40cm 2 2 6
MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 2 if pinned down.
SMG 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Staff 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
Panzerschrek 8”/20cm 2 11 5+ Tank Assault 5
Additional Training and Equipment
Panzerknacker teams are rated as Tank Assault 5.
German Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
MG34 HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
Infantry Anti-tank
8.8cm RW43 (PĆ¼ppchen) launcher Man-packed 16”/40cm 1 11 5+
Anti-aircraft Guns
Luftwaffe 8.8cm FlaK36 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Gun shield, Heavy anti-aircraft, Turntable.
Firing Bombardments 88”/220cm - 3 5+
10cm leFH14/19(t) howitzer (100/17) Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Gun shield
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
15cm sFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Smoke.
Firing Bombardments 80”/200cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.
German Fortifications
Weapon Mobility Range ROF AntiTank Firepower Notes
Bunkers and Pillboxes
8.8cm PaK43 Pillbox Immobile 40”/100cm 2 16 3+
7.5cm FK Pillbox Immobile 24”/60cm 2 10 3+
5cm PaK38 Pillbox Immobile 24”/60cm 3 9 4+
HMG Pillbox Immobile 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down
Anti-tank Nests
7.5cm FK Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 2 10 3+
5cm KwK Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 3 7 4+
4.7cm PaK183(f) Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 3 9 4+ No HE
3.7cm PaK36 Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 3 6 4+
Anti-aircraft Nests
2cm FlaK38 Nest Immobile 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, ROF 2 when pinned down
Tobruk Nests
8cm Mortar Tobruk Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 2 2 3+ Can fire over friendly troops, Minimum range 8"/20cm
5cm Mortar Tobruk Nest Immobile 16”/40cm 2 1 4+ Can fire over friendly troops
HMG Tobruk Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down
Rocket Launcher Nests
28cm sWG41 Nest Immobile 40”/100cm - 3 1+ Static Rocket Launcher
R-35 Turret Immobile 3 3 1 Turret Bunker MG
3.7cm KwK18(f) gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+
APX Turret Immobile 5 4 1 Turret Bunker MG
4.7cm KwK35(f) gun 24”/60cm 2 6 4+
German Transport Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Notes
Sd Kfz 7 half-track Half-tracked - - -